DMCA Policy

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) helps safeguard creators from unauthorized use of their work on the internet. This policy details how CapCut addresses these concerns.

Scope and Application

Our website, ““, and its associated services are dedicated to respecting intellectual property rights. We respond promptly to valid infringement notices under the DMCA.

Before Filing a Complaint

Consider consulting a lawyer if you’re uncertain about an infringement claim. Remember, filing a complaint requires disclosing personal information.

Filing an Infringement Notification

Copyright owners or their agents can report infringements to us. Ensure your complaint adheres to DMCA guidelines.

Response to Notifications

Upon receiving a DMCA complaint that meets our criteria, we may remove or limit access to the alleged infringing material. We strive to inform the affected user about such actions, ensuring transparency and fairness.

Rights Reserved by CapCut

We reserve the right to not take action on a DMCA notice if it doesn’t fully comply with all requirements. Additionally, we may pursue other legal avenues to address suspected infringements.

Policy Changes and Amendments

Our DMCA policy may change over time. Any updates will be posted on our website’s main page and, where possible, communicated directly to you via email or other methods.

Contact Information

To report copyright infringements, please reach out to us at:

Email: [email protected]

We aim to respond to emails within 1-2 business days.